Inaugural Topchess Interschool Tournament
The event is held Saturday 9 March (9am-2.30pm) at 193 Ekibin Rd, Tarragindi QLD 4121. This is a great opportunity for students to gain valuable experience playing competitive chess!
Invitation with full details can be viewed here
Current list of entries:
No Name Feder Rtg Loc
1. Renjith, Sravan B 2041
2. Dullaway, Michael B 1022
3. Leong, Joel B 930
4. Dullaway, Erin B 873
5. Dewadasa, Imira B 869
6. Leong, Ben B 850
7. Hart, Luka B 828
8. Nag, Suvan B 768
9. Prasad, Basavaguru B 598
10. Syed-Musa, Jaffery B 557
11. Stahnke, Leon GC 543
12. Heterick, Uriah B 539
13. Trieu, Peter B 532
14. Alexandre, Lucas
15. Allen, Cora
16. Caladiao, Diego
17. Concord, Darcy
18. Dewadasa, Isara
19. Dhingra, Aadiv
20. Dullaway, Adam
21. Keane, Fraser
22. Liau, Ethan
23. Marakhovich-Maslow, Alexey
24. Paaka, Keepa
25. Reid, Nicholas
26. Tran, Alyssa
27. Utia, Organ
28. Vu, Kenny
29. Walker, Lucan
30. Wang, Kevin
31. Warner, Elliott
32. Wijekoon, Vonal
33. Chen, Isaac
34. Zorn, Luke